I'm busting up my brain for the words

Saturday, August 23, 2014

The worst possible advice..

8:06 PM Posted by Linette , No comments


We've all heard it! We have all suffered the indignity of getting that worn out, worthless cliché thrown in our faces when we least needed it. Just STOP!

Mattias Lundberg, professor in psychology writes in his blog;
"Look around in society and you will notice that you are constantly receiving the message that life gets easier if you think positive. You will go through hardship much easier and you will get opportunities you'd never get. You can read about it in self-help books, listen to inspiring speakers and watch the experts on morning tv describe five simple steps to reach it.
The trend with optimist consultants has been around since the 80s. Shouldn't something have happened by now? Shouldn't we see the result?
But we are feeling worse than ever. Something ain't right here damn it!
It sounds so appealing to think positive, but there is a downside, or perhaps several. Positive thinking is not magical. It does not cure disease, medicine does. It does not create financial stability, planning, budgeting and organizing does.
We have to stop believing that a positive mindset is its own entity. An entity that automatically would grant us happiness."

I myself, have had the questionable pleasure of sitting through one of those optimist-consultant-lectures.. It was not by choice, I can tell you that much. This clown went on for two full hours about the importance of a positive mindset. Using some story about his father being fired as a reference how life always comes around to give you a second chance. He started his two hours of complete bullshit with showing my life-motto on the screen. "Pessimists have only pleasant surprises!" - to prove his point and we were already enemies.

First of all, as any dubbed pessimist will tell you, there are no pessimists. There are optimists, and realists. Pessimist is a term invented by optimists, and as they are not to be trusted I think we can stop listening to what they're saying.

From my realistic point of view, it seems an optimistic mind is quite limited. Cause if you can look at this world, really look at it. Reflect upon what your seeing and still claim to be an optimist, well, your either blind or stupid. Pick one.

Being pessimistic, or as I prefer, realistic doesn't mean you go "Oh crap, that job that I really wanted I'm never gonna get. Cause I suck, the world suck, everything automatically sucks!"
No.. it means you go "I am one out of 200 applicants. I have no idea who I'm competing with. I will most likely not get this job, and I'm not gonna count on it, as lovely as it would be."
I wouldn't know how an optimist would go about it but I imagine something along the lines of "Of course I'm getting it, I'm awesome, who wouldn't hire me? I'm placing an order on a Lamborghini right now!" Slightly exaggerated of course, but you get the gist of it.
Now, what seems like a reasonable approach to you?

Optimism doesn't help you, it only leaves the door open for shit to blindside you in your world of pink clouds.

"A pessimist have only pleasant surprises."
-The only wise thing I heard during my two hours with an optimist-consultant.


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