I'm busting up my brain for the words

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

F*ck it.

9:00 AM Posted by Linette , No comments
Adulthood brings a lot of garbage I never asked for. And I am sure I will return to complaining about exactly how much it sucks in future posts. But you know what I actually do appreciate?

Except for the more obvious things like a lack of curfew (remember that?), the ability to buy your own alcohol and a car; The freedom of "I just don't give a shit!"

It is refreshing indeed.

Oh - so you don't think I'm dressing according to teen magazines latest issue.. Well look at my fat ass over here not caring one bit!

Oh - you snicker cause I don't have a thigh gap... Look at me enjoying my XL fries with dip, does that salad leaf taste good?

Oh - you think I'm boring for staying home on a Saturday night? Well, firstly look at those diamonds on my finger, and I'll be home wiping my tears and my ass with dollar bills. Why don't you flirt your way to another drink that you can't afford?

Oh - you think I'm embarrassing? Yeah, I've done my fair share of embarrassing shit and let me tell ya, wearing none brand jeans doesn't even get an honorable mention.

Oh - you think I'm silly? Trust me, you don't want me to reply to that.

Oh - you think I'm old? Well firstly no not really, secondly.. I'll be over here watching my game shows, dressed in mismatched socks with greasy hair. Eating cereal right out of the box. Corking up the wine if I feel like it. Throwing the "tummy pillow" to hell and letting all my rolls flap freely. All the while enjoying the company of a man who loves me, even though I do all that. While not having to search for pennies in my pockets to afford the next night out, if I'd ever feel like enjoying one. And not caring one little bit about what people might think.. You are all more than welcome to join me in my land of the free also known as adulthood.

Please, make yourselves comfortable.


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