I'm busting up my brain for the words

Friday, August 22, 2014

Sports and me..

4:54 PM Posted by Linette , No comments

Things I don't understand about sports:
  • Why have numbers on the shirts if there is no logical system in it?
    Like if "11" was an actual position I'd get it...but it seems to me people just pick their numbers at random.. Why do you need your number as well as your name on there? (I have an idea, but I'm trying not to be too insulting here..) If I was in a sports team, I'd pick # 30278.

  • Why all the protection? Doesn't that kinda take the whole sport out of it?

  • Why so serious?

  • Why all the rules? Seriously, I liked the Romans take on it; "You live, you win!" Seems fair.

  • Does it really take a dozen guys to put a thing in a thing on the other side of a thing?

  • Why in hell you don't get extra points for scoring a touch down from the midline or start-line or whatever it might be called.. the line in the middle of the field.

  • Curling.

  • The honor in running really fast... Now, release a cheetah to hunt them and sure, I'd watch it.. But then we're back to the whole "You live you win"-idea aren't we?

  • The adrenaline levels reached without even participating... fascinating.

  •  The urge to tire oneself out for no reason at all. I have never in 32 years woken up and thought to myself; "Ah, today I want my own sweat to sting my eyes. I'm craving a bad leg cramp and why have orgasms when you can have a stitch in your side instead? I want my lungs to burn and my heart to be close to attacking me.." It just doesn't seem like a pleasurable way to spend your days...

I just don't get it, any of it.. Never have, never will.


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