I'm busting up my brain for the words

Monday, August 18, 2014


2:35 PM Posted by Linette , No comments
Lately I have been getting into to songwriting, I know...weird.

It's just such a nice way of indulging in writing, you have such limited space or time to tell your story, even limited syllables to do so. That's also where the challenge lies. But it's fun, it's really fun.

I am by no means a musician. I can, like most people, strum a G, D, A on the guitar. But that doesn't mean it necessarily sound good, or even decent. Actually more along the lines of "CRANG CRANG PLOINK *crap* CRAAANG". And I won't touch my piano as long as we are living in an apartment complex. Wouldn't wanna ear rape the neighbors in such a way. Anyway, safe to say I am very limited because of it.

It all started when my brother asked me to help him write lyrics to one of his songs. I was nervous, terrified.. But it went ok. He liked it, his band bought it.. it made it onto their album, which I am very proud of indeed.

So anyway, I downloaded the garage band app for my phone, and suddenly a whole world of chord progressions opened up for me.
Though my brother (you can call him Jimi Hendrix the Swede) and my dad (aka Mr has been playing the guitar since the T-Rex was roaming freely, and I don't mean the band) are on me about the mechanical sound of it.
And yes, naturally you don't get the life and sound of organic instruments. But for me to reach that I'd have to learn bar chords and I blame my little retarded sausage fingers for my incapability to learn just that. I mean come on, my pinky is like 3cm, how am I supposed to reach across like half the guitar neck with that. (perhaps the ukulele is more in my range)
I'm sticking to my little phone-machine and hoping that someone who can play (i believe that would be my brother) will eventually put down the guitar track on at least some of the songs.

Looking forward to spending some time with my brother working on this. But that requires a trip to Stockholm, thus vacation days. Babysitters, studio time and so on and so forth.. (Because adulthood fucking sucks.)


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