I'm busting up my brain for the words

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Night Owls Unite Against The Oppression!

10:47 AM Posted by Linette , No comments
Research has shown the interesting fact that we are about twice as many distinct night owls than there are distinct morning people. 25% vs 11% to be exact.
This means that 25% of the population hit their most productive time somewhere around and after midnight, while the 11% wake up early morning, ready to catch that slimy worm.
Naturally the rest of the population moves within the gray scale, perhaps leaning more to one or the other without being in the extremes.

Somehow, most likely stemming from the industrial revolution with it's wage work and need for structured day schedules, being productive during the first part of the day became the norm. You could argue that farmers indeed had to start their day early and so on and so forth, but nothing will convince me that they ever looked at a clock the same frantic way we have done since the industries made their entrance into our society.
Anywho, back to my point. Morning people are living the norm. They are also because of this, I'd argue, the greatest tyrants of modern time, thinking that their genetic, inner clock grants them higher morals and a bigger dose of common sense than the rest of us.

Let's turn back time even further, shall we? Beyond industrial revolutions and farming. Let's crawl all the way back to that cave, where fire had just been taken control of. Because I have a question, how would the morning people ever have kept the fire going all through the night, huh? How would they have chosen to protect their people against wolves or whatever predators where lurking in the dark just waiting for a chance to bite the limbs off of sweet tasting, innocent morning people?
See, that's where we come in, the night people. We totally kept that fire going, we kept you warm and cozy and safe from harm.
And this is how you repay us? By sitting up on your high horse at 7 am, offering snide comments about "sleeping all day" or "wasting time" or "whatever do you DO (always emphasis on the DO) in the middle of the night!" (I know, real original, I ain't very impressed by your wits either.)
Tell me something you do at 6:30am that I can’t do at 2am in the year 2014?
Really, I'm challenging you. Saying "work" doesn't count, it scheduled and I don't have a choice there.

With the marvelous invention of the internet there is really nothing I can't do. I can even order stamps online and have them delivered. I just gotta make sure to make it to the postal office before 10pm, which I think.. I THINK I actually can manage.
You are like religious fanatics, firmly believing your path is the true path. I bet Bin-Laden was a morning person.

That night owls would be lazy is just complete and utter rubbish.
I bet you wouldn’t be so frickin happy-go-lucky if we decided to start dragging you out of bed at 1 am to write a scientific report, or work in customer service. You would rather swiftly turn just as grumpy as we are.

Because that’s what you do. You drag us out of bed in the middle of our night and you expect us to be productive during the time that YOU are most productive. Let me do the same job at midnight and I swear, I will show you what being productive is all about!
You went so far as to dub yourselves “A-people” and then grant us the lesser name of “B-people.” As if we are some second class citizens. F*ck, we totally should have let the wolves have your ungrateful ass.

I say night-owls unite! It is time to bring a new world order. We need to fight the oppression!
Let the morning people be miserable for a few thousand years, it is their turn to suffer!

I hope I one day get to sit on a stone and watch a metaphorical wolf attack and then smile smugly and say:
"Well, if you didn't sleep ALL NIGHT, you would have seen it coming, you would have been prepared. Quite irresponsible of you I must say. Oh, and by the way - the fire's out."


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